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News — Artist Events
Posted by Olivia Branscum on
Join the artist and the Daylight team for an opening celebration and book signing on September 25th from 6-9pm at the Daylight Project Space in Hillsborough, NC! The exhibition will be on view through October 19th. Todd Forsgren creates intimate portraits of birds at the moment of their capture in mist nets as part of scientific surveys and ornithological research. This monograph serves as an effective and original critique of our impulse to name, classify and quantify wildlife. Location: Daylight Project Space 121 W. Margaret Ln, Ste. DHillsborough, NC 27278
TO ATTEND: Exhibition for Robert Shults' 'The Superlative Light' at The Rangefinder Gallery
Posted by Olivia Branscum on
Robert Shults' 'The Superlative Light' is on exhibition at The Rangefinder Gallery in Chicago. The Superlative Light presents a layperson's awestruck experience of the Texas Petawatt Laser, an unparalleled research facility which produces the most powerful laser pulse anywhere in the world. Texas-based photographer Robert Shults' series of images draws upon the visual traditions of "grade B" science-fiction cinema in its exploration of a truly unique space where some of the most extreme conditions in the universe are recreated, recasting real working scientists as the heroes of an imaginary epic. More info
ARTIST TALK & BOOK SIGNING – Nancy Davidson: 'Cowgirl'
Posted by Olivia Branscum on
Nancy Davidson will give a talk and sign copies of her recent book on Wednesday, September 9, at 6:30 PM at the New York Academy of Art. In her sculpture and installation works, the New York-based artist, recipient of a 2014 Guggenheim Fellowship, celebrates and satirizes popular culture. A central example is the American cowgirl. This publication combines archival cowgirl photographs with images of Davidson's sculptures, photographs of photographs and installations. More info
- Tags: Artist Events, Book-signing, Cowgirl, Nancy Davidson, NYC
TO ATTEND: Exhibition and Closing Reception for Todd Forsgren's Ornithological Photographs
Posted by Olivia Branscum on
Todd Forsgren: Ornithological Photographs is now on view at Klemm Gallery in Adrian, Michigan through Thursday, September 24. Join Klemm Gallery in welcoming the artist to the Siena Heights campus for a gallery talk at 1pm and a reception from 6-8pm on the final day of the exhibition. More info