Tokyo Untitled and the Last Neighborhood Still Standing, work by Renato D'Agostin and Alessandro Zuek Simonetti, is currently on display at the New York Leica Gallery through January 9th. The...
News from Daylight
Daylight Magazine would like to congratulate Keliy Anderson-Staley, who was one of six applicants chosen from over 700 portfolios reviewed for the 2009 Aperture Portfolio Prize. Keliy Anderson-Staley's portfolio, Off...
The exhibition examines contemporary visions of Arab society in Israel focusing on young men and women at the pivotal age of 18 — an age at which they graduate from...
Family of Mine, photographs by Steve Bliss, Katrina d’Autremont, and Jason Houston, as well as City of Children, photographs by Monika Merva,open today, November 6th at 6pm, at RayKo in...
Venice Arts ( is building its gallery and public educational programs, while increasing its management and support of offsite programs and special projects. Working under the Executive Director, this position...
Project Basho is pleased to announce ONWARD ‘10, an annual juried photography competition exclusively featuring the work of new and emerging photographers with unique vision and talent. The theme for...