Family of Mine, photographs by Steve Bliss, Katrina d’Autremont, and Jason Houston, as well as City of Children, photographs by Monika Merva,
open today, November 6th at 6pm, at RayKo in San Francisco. As the titles suggest, these four artists photograph their families not as strict documents but as a way to better understand the relationships involved.
Monika Merva has photographed the children in and around her home, using a Contax medium format camera and natural light. The shots are not set up or posed, to avoid sentimentality and preserve the authenticity of what she has witnessed.
Jason Houston works as a photojournalist and who spends most of his time on assignment for editorial and NGO clients. Houston turns his lens on his family and records what he sees in a different way.
Katrina d’Autremont’s body of work, ” Si Dios Quiere…” (If God Wants) explores issues of intimacy and distance within her mother’s family in Argentina.
Steve Bliss is a father, photographing his sons. Like most parents, Bliss has an inherent, perhaps genetic interest in recording the fleeting states of his children’s development.
For more information about this event, visit http://raykophoto.com/?page_id=37.