
Kirsten Lewis

Book Details
ISBN-13: 9781954119390
112 pages; 65 Photographs
8 x 10 inches
$50 US

*Books will ship June 2025

Unsupervised is an intimate look at the modern family. Kirsten Lewis' curiosity regarding the everyday routine of raising children is what led me to begin spending anywhere between 24 and 72 hours simply documenting a family's unscripted life. With the birth of social media came the ability for anyone to present a highly curated version of themselves and their life, oftentimes under the social pressures to appear "perfect". Lewis has watched this directly affect how parents, especially mothers, share their life with the outside virtual world. Ultimately, this creates a feeling of isolation and loneliness, as parents are completely disconnected from the reality of their life and their tailored life online. This photographic exploration is an attempt to reveal the similarities Lewis has witnessed by photographing my subjects' vulnerability, challenges, joy, hardships and humorous moments of raising a family.

Kirsten Lewis is an international photographer, educator and public speaker based in Colorado. Over the last 2 decades she has traveled to over 40 countries to work with organizations, non profits, companies and individuals creating documentary based pictures to aid in fundraising, advertising, awareness and personal family archive builds.