News from Daylight

KiK Residency in Netherlands

Nijeveen: KiK is an art foundation located in an old milk factory in the North of the Netherlands, which provides a three month residency from November 2009 to February 2010....

2010 Grants for Manhattan Arts Projects

The Lower Manhattan Cultural Council awards grants in every artistic medium to artists working in Manhattan. The LMCC provides funding up to $5,000 to arts organizations and individual artists for...

Funding for Seattle Based Artists

The 2010 CityArtist Projects Funding Program supports the development and presentation of Seattle based, independent artists. All projects must include a public presentation in Seattle. Artists working in all mediums...

Lucas Blalock's "I Believe You, Liar" Book Launch at Eighth Veil in Los Angeles

Beginning at 8pm on July 31st, Lucas Blalock will be signing copies of his self-published book I Believe You, Liar at Eighth Veil in Los Angeles. Like the book’s opening...

The 2010 Seven-State Biennial

The USAO Art Gallery is now excepting submissions for the 2010 Seven-State Biennial. Artists residing in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico or Texas may submit 2 and 3...

VSW Artist Residencies

Visual Studies Workshop provides residencies for artists working in photography, artists' books, digital video and multimedia, 16mm film and analog video. Residencies are project-based and are for a period of...