g39 presents a new group exhibition, Infernal Machine, which brings together work created by significant artists working with film as a gallery based medium. Although their films explore various and...
News from Daylight
Lunatic was created in 2007 to provide opportunities for photographers to promote their original stories and images. Lunatic is published bi-annually and presents new work from known and unknown talented...
The Artadia Fund for Art and Dialogue is now accepting applications for artists living in the San Francisco Bay area. The Artadia Award provides substantial financial support and broader public...
The Minneapolis Photo Center is now excepting submissions for there 2009 Portrait Photography Contest. Awards in the amounts $300, $200 and $100 will be given to the top three photographs....
PDN PhotoPlus International Conference is a place for professional and advanced amateurs in the photographic and imaging industries to network with industry leaders and experience the latest advances in photography....
The Kimmle Harding Nelson Center for the Arts in Nebraska City, NE offers 2- to 8-week residencies year-round for writers, visual artists, and music composers. Each resident is provided with...