Daylight Books
Daylight Books
Art Illuminated
Publications from Daylight:
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Book Details: Cloth over BoardISBN-13: 978-1942084648108 pages; 55 Color Photographs8.5 x 9 inches$45 US; $65.50 CAN “What Duffy captures in her photos is a presence that animates the streets; the hope that always has been, and always will be a part of the Cuban people.”, - Musee MagazineSpanish/English textPhotographs by Hilary DuffyContributions by Jon Lee Anderson The Cuban community has long coped with challenges through ingenuity resulting in a rich culture that has flourished in spite of material scarcity. Yet the emergence of new economic freedoms in recent years means Cubans can now further embrace their enterprising spirit. Hopes & Dreams from Cuba, which publishes during the 60th anniversary year of the Cuban Revolution, features Hilary Duffy's intimate photographs of the everyday lives of the Cuban people taken from 1999-2017. The book highlights a pivotal time of change in Cuba as it is challenged to uphold its social values and unique identity. Duffy's vibrant images of the bustling street life are presented along with her formal portraits accompanied by transcribed interviews with Cubans sharing their hopes, dreams and aspirations. The New Yorker staff writer Jon Lee Anderson's essay "SurvivaI in a State of Flux" provides an historical context for Duffy's photographs. Hilary Duffy is an internationally renowned photographer and educator who has worked on assignments and social programs in the United States, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean.Jon Lee Anderson is a staff writer for the New Yorker, reporting globally from Afghanistan, Iraq, Uganda, Israel, El Salvador, Cuba, and more.
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Hopes & Dreams From Cuba
Hilary Duffy
$ 45.00
BOOK INFOPaper over Board, 8 X 10 In. / 112 Pages / 40 Color Photographs throughout ISBN 9781942084501List Price: $45.00‘Wagner's images and these essayists' words raise questions bigger than the entire Shore itself, questions of human nature, the environment, and the limits of our civic imagination.”, - The Philadelphia Inquirer, July 22, 2018Also featured by: The Guardian F - Stop Magazine Artdaily Photographs by Ira Wagner Text by George Marshall The Jersey Shore was devastated by Hurricane Sandy, and remains under threat from storms, erosion, and rising sea levels. Despite the overwhelming odds, people repair and rebuild their homes on this precarious land using a rudimentary elevation system. Houseraising is a typology of these strange structures, and a harbinger of our increasingly urgent battle with the forces of nature we have unwittingly unleashed.Ira Wagner has been an Adjunct Professor of Photography at Monmouth University since 2013 when he received an MFA from the University of Hartford.George Marshall is the co-founder and Director of Projects of Climate Outreach and author of Don’t Even Think About It: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Ignore Climate Change (2014).
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Houseraising: The Jersey Shore After Hurricane Sandy
Ira Wagner
$ 45.00
Book Details: HardcoverISBN-13: 9781954119246128 pages; 80 Photographs9.5 x 9.5 inches$50 USFeatured in The Guardian, Huck Magazine, All About Photo, L’Oeil de la Photographie, Rawstory, Vita (Italy), Press and Journal (Scotland), Sunday Post (Scotland), and Financial Times (Print).I Burn But I Am Not Consumed brings together photographs and an archive collated by photographer Alicia Bruce and the residents of Menie, Scotland. The project documents sixteen years of Donald Trump’s impact on the coastal Scottish community from 2006 until present day. Alicia Bruce is an award-winning, working-class photographer, community collaborator, educator, and activist based in Scotland. Her photography sits between documentary and staged imagery focusing on communities, environments and human rights. Alicia Bruce is a member of the collective Women Photograph.Karine Polwart is a multi-award winning Scottish songwriter and musician, as well as theater-maker, storyteller, spoken-word performer and author.Lesley Riddoch is a Scottish radio broadcaster, activist and journalist who lives in Fife. Louise Pearson is a curator of photography at the National Galleries of Scotland.
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I Burn But I Am Not Consumed
Alicia Bruce
$ 50.00
BOOK INFOTrade Paper 5 1⁄2 x 8 In. / 200 pagesISBN 9781942084525List Price: US $14.95This delightful little paperback consists of humorously inventive fictionalized artist statements. The recent explosion of interest in academic art programs around the world has led to a dramatic increase in overwritten, hyperbolic artist statements. I Write Artist Statements skewers popular art school clichés while describing impossible projects that simply could not exist off of the printed page.Written by Liz SalesContributions by Matthew Carson Liz Sales is an artist, writer, and educator. Her work deals primarily with the relationship between photography and perception. She is a faculty member at the International Center of Photography and writes for photo-based art magazines, including Conveyor Magazine and Foam Magazine. Sales lives and works in New York City.
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I Write Artist Statements
Liz Sales
$ 14.95
BOOK INFO Flexi, 11 X 9 In. / 160 Pages / 50 Color / 50 Duotone ISBN 9781942084037 List Price: $50.00 Text by Tim B Wride and Scott Eyman Photographs by Bert Teunissen, Gerald Slota and Jung Jin Li Though they were ceded to the federal government in 1821, it was not until the beginning of the twentieth century that the Everglades were systematically captured in photographs. Imaging Eden presents an overview of the pictures that have formed our understanding of the Everglades, one of the most contested and unique environments on the planet, and new approaches to photographing the vast wetlands system. Using vernacular images, as well as works by such celebrated photographers as Walker Evans, Marian Post Wolcott, Eliot Porter, James Balog and Clyde Butcher, Imaging Eden provides a framework that contextualizes four contemporary commissioned projects. Amsterdam-based artist Bert Teunissen, American photographer and artist Gerald Slota, Korean-American Jung Jin Lee and Magnum Photos photographer Jim Goldberg, working in collaboration with Jordan Stein, have been tasked with discovering the Everglades on their own terms, through their widely differing sensibilities and with their unique visual vocabularies.Text by Tim B. Wride, Scott Eyman
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Imaging Eden
Various Photographers
$ 50.00
BOOK INFO Paper Over Board, 11 X 11 In. / 116 Pages / 60 Color PhotographsISBN 9781942084334List Price: $45.00Photographs by Priscilla Briggs Contributions by Rob Schmitz Foreword by Susannah MagersImpossible is Nothing documents China as a rising power struggling to integrate capitalism into a communist system.During a decade of rapid economic growth, American photographer Priscilla Briggs traveled along the eastern seaboard of China. Impossible is Nothing explores various facets of Chinese society, within the context of a communist system that engages in "capitalism with Chinese characteristics." These photographs examine constructed Chinese realities of luxury and status, with the West serving as a model for capitalist consumerism. Portraits, still-life images, and urban landscapes are woven together to create a lyrical ode to the optimism and imagination of contemporary China.Priscilla Briggs is a lens-based artist who investigates global representations of capitalism and consumerism. Her work has been exhibited internationally, most recently in the Landskrona Photo Salon in Sweden, the Minneapolis International Film Festival, the DeVos Museum in Michigan, and many more.
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Impossible is Nothing: China's Theater of Consumerism
Priscilla Briggs
$ 45.00
The highly collectible debut issue of Daylight Magazine features the work of Alec Soth, Tom Rankin, Jen Szymaszek, and Sara Gomez.Daylight Magazine was the first US publisher to feature Alec Soth's work from his seminal project 'Sleeping by the Mississippi' back in March 2004. Available as a PDF download.
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Issue #1, Debut
Daylight Books
$ 5.00
LIMITED PRINT COPIES ARE AVAILABLE. Email for info.View the CNN story hereView the Daylight Digital Feature hereIn this issue of Daylight Magazine, Iraq is presented from a number of perspectives. Living far from the front lines, it is the images that we as foreigners see on television and in newspapers that define our perception of the current situation in Iraq. For many of us, this is an armchair war consisting of images released by corporate-controlled media conglomerates and government censors with undeniable agendas. This issue of Daylight presents the work of photographers who have spent time in Iraq working to present their audience with an individual perspective of the region. What a photographer chooses to capture reflects a personal interest or desire to share a very specific moment with the spectrum of potential viewers. Susan Meiselas' images of the Kurdish mass graves in southern Iraq came to light ten years ago when the burial sites were exposed to the world. These images have gained contemporary relevance as they are once again being reproduced and reviewed as evidence in the legal case against Saddam Hussein. Sean Hemmerle's photographs concentrate on landscapes of war-damaged Baghdad. Also featured in the issue is the first appearance of the self-representative photographic project 'Iraq from Within' which later became the travelling exhibition 'Photographs by Iraqi Civilians, 2004'.Featuring portfolios by: Samantha Appleton, Sean Hemmerle, Roger Hutchings, Bruno Stevens, Susan Meiselas, Sheryl Mendez, Daniel Pepper and an essay by Amir Hassanpour.Available as a PDF download.
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Issue #2, Iraq
Daylight Books
$ 5.00
In exploring issues of “Sustainability,” this edition of Daylight suggests that the dualistic representation of humans and nature can change, and that documentary photography’s role in this transformation can range in scope from capturing the immense landscape—as seen in David Maisel’s stunning aerials of a breathing, living Los Angeles—to the intimate images of people embodying lifestyles of low environmental and economic impact, as seen through the work Joel Sternfeld and Leonie Purchas; to the Daylight-initiated, self-representative documentary work of domestic renewable fuel producers.Featuring portfolios by: David Maisel, Edgar Martins, Leonie Purchas, Joel Sternfeld, Bo Thomassen, and Jeff WhetstoneAvailable as a PDF download.
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Issue #3, Sustainability
Daylight Books
$ 5.00
This issue of Daylight Magazine, one year in the making, compiles work by photographers examining the situation in Israel and Palestine. The nuances of this highly complex and volatile relationship could only be conveyed by a number of photographers examining parts of the whole, from the dwindling nomadic Bedouin population to the interiors of homes in the West Bank. We hope that this issue provides a unique perspective on a small, contested area of land fraught with religious, social, and economic tension.Featuring portfolios by: Simon Norfolk, Luc Delahaye, Kai Wiedenhofer, Paolo Pellegrin, Ahikam Seri, Ori Gersht, Gilad Ophir, Noel Jabbour, Noa Ben Shalom.Available as a PDF download.
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Issue #4, Israel/Palestine
Daylight Books
$ 5.00
This issue of Daylight Magazine, one year in the making, compiles work by photographers examining the situation in Israel and Palestine. The nuances of this highly complex and volatile relationship could only be conveyed by a number of photographers examining parts of the whole, from the dwindling nomadic Bedouin population to the interiors of homes in the West Bank. We hope that this issue provides a unique perspective on a small, contested area of land fraught with religious, social, and economic tension.Featuring portfolios by: Simon Norfolk, Luc Delahaye, Kai Wiedenhofer, Paolo Pellegrin, Ahikam Seri, Ori Gersht, Gilad Ophir, Noel Jabbour, Noa Ben Shalom.This Mandarin version is available as a PDF download.
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Issue #4, Israel/Palestine (Mandarin PDF)
Daylight Books
$ 5.00
Although individual effort makes the international marketplace possible, the human aspect of global trade is often overlooked. To address this cultural myopia, this edition of Daylight examines the people involved with the production and trade of a number of global commodities.Featuring portfolios by: Adam Broomberg, Oliver Chanarin, Ali Chraibi, Kadir van Lohuizen, Ivor Prickett, Heidi Schumann, Allan Sekula, elin o’Hara slavick, Ian Teh, Heinrich Voelkel, and Michael Wolf.Available as a PDF download.
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Issue #5, Global Commodities
Daylight Books
$ 5.00