This blog series is created by choosing a photograph by a photographer who's work I greatly appreciate, that photographer picks a photograph by another photographer, that photographer picks a photograph by another photographer, and so on until a chain of five photographs have been created.
The structure is based on the book Poets Picking Poets published by McSweeney's in 2007. Applying this technique to photography and photographers, allowing them to choose their own tablemates, will surely spark some interesting visual conversations that will be diverse and surprising.
Adam Golfer, Almine Rech - Brussels for W Magazine, 2008. Courtesy and copyright the artist.
Joe Leavenworth, Dad (Running), 2010. Courtesy and copyright the artist.
Bryan Schutmaat, Ralph from the series "Grays the Mountain Sends", 2011. Courtesy and copyright the artist.
Debora Mittelstaedt, Sunset Park from the "New York" project, 2005. Courtesy and copyright the artist.
Cass Bird, Daria Werbowy for T Magazine, 2011. Copyright the artist and T Magazine.