SUBJECT OF THE WANTED WORKS: “Museums, Galleries, Exhibitions” Since the dawn of humanity, artistic creation and its production has always been at the service of the main cults, deities and religions. Today, relics of all kind, art objects, memorabilia, artefacts of scientific progress, historical valuables have taken the position of the cult. Museums, galleries, festivals, fairs have become the stages of celebration of the cult of valuable priceless and useless objects. In different countries of the world the art institutions and events reach the attendance of tens, hundreds of thousands and even millions. Spaces, places, contexts, where artistic, historical, scientific, or other valuables are displayed, play a role of an oasis for those exhausted by the speedy routine. This phenomenon does not escape the eyes of artists, including photographers.
KAUNAS PHOTO festival is calling for photographers / visual artists to submit series of photographs, photography-related videos or installation projects on the theme of MUSEUMS, GALLERIES, EXHIBITIONS, art fairs, festivals, etc. Among the interesting subjects could be: process of installation of exhibitions, backstage of museum / gallery / fair life, audience, empty halls and lines to enter museums, openings of exhibitions and launching events, etc. The exhibition will be based on series of photographs (not single images), but photography-related video or installations are also accepted. The works submitted should be created in the 21st century, but works that reveal the layers of time and contain or depart from older visual material are welcome. The call is open to photographers / artists of all ages, nationalities, countries of residence and to all creative methods: from reportage to conceptual works.
Any photographer / visual artist regardless of their age, nationality can propose works and eventually be a part of KAUNAS PHOTO festival program. Proposals must be sent by e-mail only. A proposal can present a series of images or individual images (not only photographs), descriptions or documentations of installations or performances. The e-mail must contain: 1) A title / Subject / Theme “Museums, Galleries, Exhibitions” 2) one of the following, several or all a) up to 12 images in JPG files; file size 1200 px on the longer side, 80% jpg quality, RGBs. b) if photos need description and/or captions, send an additional DOC file; c) links to videos, if such. No videos should be attached to the email itself. 3) Creator’s CV with the record of artistic practice (max 1 page). Loose files of ZIP archives should be sent as attachments. Please do not embed images into email content. The only email address for sending proposals: festival@kaunasphoto.info - Max weight per email: 5 MB - Each proposal must be accompanied by a submission fee payment. DEADLINE: March 21, 2014.
A non-refundable submission fee per submitted series / body of work is 13 EUR (if paid to the bank account) or 15 EUR, if paid via PayPal. The submissions are finalized with an entry fee, payable via 1) bank transfer of 13 EUR to VsI Sviesos rastas; enterprise code – 236029130; Bank name -Swedbank, AB; bank address – Konstitucijos pr. 20A, 03502 Vilnius, Lithuania; bank code – 73000; SWIFT – HABALT22, IBAN (account number) – LT397300010079629079. 2) PayPal transfer of 15 Eur to festival@kaunasphoto.info AUTHOR’s RIGHTS While submitting works the artists / photographers confirm that they are the only copyright owners of the images they propose or, if applicable, they indicate the parties that are involved in the rights management of the submitted images. While submitting works, the artists / photographers agree that their works (with names and titles of works indicated) can be featured in the communication of “Kaunas Photo” festival such as but not limited to print matter, Internet publications, multimedia presentations in unlimited territory and unlimited time-framework. Example, why it is important: “Kaunas Photo” presentation movie will be shown in “Encuentros Abiertos” festival in Argentina in August / September 2014.
Inquiries? Questions? Comments? Email: festival@kaunasphoto.info