Surveillance.01-USA, the first in a series of shows curated by Anna Van Lenten with Liza Faktor of Screen opens April 3rd at the New Media Center in Dumbo, Brooklyn. Programming runs through April 5th and the show stays closes on April 25th.The show presents work that visual artists – photographers, filmmakers, data artists – are creating with drone, screen, and camera in response to the ever-increasing presence and evolution of of surveillance. Additionally, Surveillance.01-USA incorporates presentations by the artists, and discussions with investigative journalists, policy analysts, and data security experts. The artist lineup: 1) Tracking Transience by Hasan Elahi. 2) Blue Sky Days by Tomas Van Houtryve. 3) Satellite Landscapes / Satellite Collection by Jenny Odell 4) NSA Files: Decoded by Ewen MacAskill and Gabriel Dance/ The Guardian US 5) Out of Sight, Out of Mind, a data visualization of U.S. drone strikes by Wesley Grubbs / Pitch Interactive 6) Emotional Arcade by Brent Hoff
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