Daylight Books
Daylight Books
Art Illuminated
Video & New Media
Our collection of multimedia features for your viewing pleasure
Daylight Multimedia and the Center for Documentary Studies are proud to present the work of Nandita Raman, the winner of the first annual Daylight / CDS Photo Awards. Raman's Cinema Playhouse series focuses on the interiors of decaying theaters in India. Built between 1930 and 1960, these theaters, brimming with eccentricity, have largely been replaced by generic multiplexes. Through her quiet and beautiful images, Raman explores her childhood memories and the idiosyncrasies of the Golden Age of Bollywood. As the winner of the Project Prize, Nandita Raman's work will be on view from September 13December 23, 2010 at the Center...
Nandita Raman: Cinema Playhouse
At the height of one of the worst financial crises in American history, photographers James Frank Tribble and Tracey Mancenido-Tribble went to truck-driving school, earned their commercial driver's licenses and hit the highway. Tribble Mancenido set out on a journey across America to explore and illuminate the trucking subculture that drives our economy. Spending a full year on the road, the couple drove their 18-wheeler over one hundred thousand miles and spent over two thousand hours delivering loads. Hurry Up Wait is a personal and poetic meditation of an industry and a way of life and will be exhibited at...
Tribble Mancenido: Hurry Up and Wait
Belgian photographer Nick Hannes spent a year travelling through the fifteen former Soviet republics in search of traces of the past and signs of social transition.Red Journeyuncovers the various ways in which former Soviet countries are trying to redefine their national identity after the disintegration of the communist imperium. Hannes shows a region of contrasts by photographing extreme wealth amid heart-rending poverty, unrestrained urban renewal that makes deprived neighbourhoods all the more visible, new dictators gilt cult images in a decor of faded glory.
Nick Hannes: Red Journey
Revered by some and abhorred by others, the Spanish bullfight has been the stage of mortal combat for centuries. In Yucatan, Mexico, the Toreros confront veteran bulls who can predict the fighters' maneuvers. In Daylight Multimedia's latest release, Swiss photographer Franois Schaer focuses his lens on the Toreros' vulnerable existence.
François Schaer: Toreros Maya
In Down These Mean Streets Will Steacy wanders through battered urban areas with a wrench in his back pocket. Barney Kulok andPaulGrahamcome to mind when looking through these images of abandoned buildings, burned-out cars, neon signs and local residents. The city glows, strangely beautiful but vaguely threatening, as a picture of urbanity and its attendant vices - it is not a forgiving portrait. This podcast produced in conjunction with the Michael Mazzeo Gallery for Steacy's show on view June 10 - July 23rd 2010. Read an exclusive, in-depth piece about Down These Mean Streets at Conscientious Extended.
Will Steacy: Down These Mean Streets
In early 2009, Wei Leng Tay spent several months in Fukuoka, Japan working on the series Where do we go from here? Before her sojourn, she had an outsiders impression of Japans politics, economy, and culture. Through this project, she has gained a clearer understanding of what it is to be Japanese, witnessing the overwhelming societal pressure to maintain age-old traditions and attitudes, to follow rules, and to place society before self.
Wei Leng Tay: Interior Living