The Many Pleasures: Found Art in New York City

Barton Lewis


Book Details
ISBN-13: 9781954119406
125 pages; 77 Photographs
9 x 9 inches
$50 US

The Many Pleasures: Found Art in New York City celebrates the City’s rich visual tapestry through photographs of street and subway surfaces transformed by human hand and organic decay. The book’s images of torn posters on buildings, construction fences, subway panels, and doors and mailboxes covered with stickers and graffiti remind us that art is all around us, as much a way of seeing as objects to behold.

Barton Lewis is a Brooklyn-based filmmaker and photographer  whose work centers around features and fixtures of the street and subway transformed by street artists and organic decay. His work has been featured in the The Harvard Business Review, and exhibited in spaces such as Gallery 85, in the lobby of Google’s New York headquarters. His work has been shown in New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Szczecin, Poland and elsewhere in the US and Europe.