Ornithological Photographs

Todd Forsgren

Hardcover, 6 X 8.5 In. / 168 Pages / 55 Color 
ISBN 9781942084068 
List Price: $50.00 

"Bottom line: Badass bird book. Enough said.",
- aPhotoEditor, December 18, 2015

“...captures the uncomfortable moment when a bird ensnared in an ornithologist's net finds itself face to face with its captor.”,
- Scientific American,
September 18, 2015

"...beautifully lit, perfectly framed photos...",
- Wired
November 9, 2015

Also featured in National Geographic Magazine 

Photographs by Todd Forsgren 


 As part of scientific surveys and ornithological research, Todd Forsgren creates intimate portraits of birds at the moment of their capture in mist nets. This monograph serves as an effective and original critique of our impulse to name, classify, and quantify wildlife.