Ex Crucible: The Passion of Incarcerated Artists

Peter Merts

Book Details
ISBN-13:  9781954119123
136 pages; 86 Color Photographs
8 x 10 inches
$45 US

Featured in CNN and Art Daily.

The photographs of Ex Crucible show incarcerated men and women creating artworks with a talent, passion, and authenticity that illuminate the humanity of the artists. These intimate photographs demonstrate the importance that creativity can have in these bleak, controlled spaces.

Peter Merts is a photographer residing in the San Francisco area. For decades he has focused on documenting the work of several arts-based non-profit (NGO) organizations. He is co-author of Paths of Discovery: Art Practice and Its Impact in California Prisons (2nd edition).

Annie Buckley is a multidisciplinary artist, writer, and educator working at the intersections of art and social justice.