
Tom (TBow) Bowden

Book Details
ISBN-13: 9781954119130
112 pages; 45 Color Photographs
9.5 x 11 inches
$45 US

Featured in The Guardian Arts KonbiniEye of Photography, and Huck Magazine.

Using his camera as a passport, Encounters is Tom Bowden’s (known as TBow) portrait diary of human life in America. Known for his inimitable style, TBow somehow turns potentially unwilling subjects into compliant participants in his portrait making. Encounters is a unique look at people, documented through the lens of an ambitious observer of the human condition.

Tom (TBow) Bowden is a street photographer based in Texas. 

Maggie Steber is a renowned documentary photographer, having work included in National Geographic Magazine, The New York Times, The Guardian, and many more.