Book Details:
Trade Cloth
ISBN-13: 9781942084754
144 pages; 55 Duo-tone Photographs
12 x 8 inches
$50 US; $72.50 CAN
Photographs by Bil Zelman
Foreword by E.O. Wilson
This collection of noir-ish photographs presents numerous elements of the natural world imperiled by humanity’s havoc. Bil Zelman highlights the impacts of non-native and invasive species, the current Holocene Extinction and the fragile places where man and nature collide. The series consists of a series of specimens and landscapes, shot at night, accompanied by researched and in-depth captions that seem to walk the line between visual evidence and photographic art.
Bil Zelman is a photographer and filmmaker based outside of Los Angeles, CA.
E. O. Wilson is a two-time Pulitzer-winning author and biologist.