Through an interview with Karen Sheard, from British magazine Amateur Photographer Leah explains her inspiration and process that all started. At The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, where she was granted permission to photograph some of the 10,000 bird skins in its collection.
Karen Sheard: The subjects that you photograph are specimens from national park museum collections in America, what made you want to focus on this type of photography in particular?

Cardinalis cardinalis, Northern cardinal, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, 2007

Passerina cyanea, Indigo bunting, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, 2007

Bombycilla cedrorum, Cedar waxwing, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, 2007
KS: Your book Collections features specimens from the Grand Canyon National Park. How did you gain access to these collections?
KS: Can you tell us more about the collections, such as from what areas the specimens were found, by whom, and how old they are?
LS: I was first drawn to the herbarium collection that is over 100 years old. Inspired by Anna Atkins, the nineteenth-century botanist and photographer, I decided to create cyanotypes from my photographs.

Grand Canyon National Park, Plant specimens, toned cyanotype, 2010

Grand Canyon National Park, Plant specimens, toned cyanotype, 2010

Grand Canyon National Park, Plant specimens, toned cyanotype, 2010

Grand Canyon National Park, Plant specimens, toned cyanotype, 2010

Grand Canyon National Park, Plant specimens, toned cyanotype, 2010

Making of The Grand Canyon National Park, Plant specimens, toned cyanotypes, 2010
“Illuminated by sun and light, the specimens are brought to life once again.”

Everglades National Park, Egg specimens, 2012